Home Inspiration 13 Reasons Why Israel Is Awesome

13 Reasons Why Israel Is Awesome

by Touchpoint Israel

Israel is a small country having only about 29,000 square kilometers in total, and somehow, it is a place of amazing variety, with globally unique contrasts. With so much diversity, here are 13 reasons why Israel is just, well, seriously awesome!

1. Central Israel is the most populous place on the planet.

2. Having planted over 240 million trees, it is the only country that ended the 20th century with more trees than it started with.

3. Israel’s location, bridging Africa, Asia, and Europe, has blessed it with four bio-geographical zones(Mediterranean, steppe, desert, and African), making it unique worldwide in terms of its combination and variety of climate, flora, and fauna. As an example, Israel has 2,600 species of wild plants. Great Britain, into which Israel can fit almost 10 times, has 1,756.

4. Israel has virtually no rainfall for roughly eight months of the year, which has spurred development of alternative water sources. Seventy-five percent of Israel’s water is recycled after use, with the world’s largest desalination plant located in Ashkelon.

5. Israel has pioneered arid land agriculture, and has hosted more than 200,000 people from 130 developing countries for training in agriculture and other fields.

6. Israel’s achievements in hi-tech go back to its early days to 1954 when, WEIZAC, one of the world’s first computers, was designed and built at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot.

7. Twenty-four percent of the members of Israel’s work-force have university degrees, the third-largest number in the industrialized world.

8. Israel also has the world’s highest count of high-tech startups (4,000 currently), the most per-capita in the world.

9. On the medical front, two out of the top three medications to treat multiple sclerosis were developed in Israel.

10. Israeli microbiologists developed the first passive vaccine against the mosquito-borne West Nile virus.

11. An Israeli company developed the first indigestible video camera to help diagnose cancer and digestive disorders, so small it fits inside a pill that desolves.

12. Israel also developed the world’s first pill to deliver a daily dose of insulin to diabetes sufferers.

13. Lastly, and perhaps most inspiring of all, is Israel’s people that makes it unique in so many ways. From being welcoming and friendly, to hailing from over 30 regions and countries all over the world, you will be sure to come into contact with many incredible individuals during your time in this wonderful country.

Originally posted at Go Israel.


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