Home Tourism Magdala Duc In Altum

Magdala Duc In Altum

by Mackenzie Landi

Duc In Altum draws its name from Luke 5:4 where Jesus instructs Simon Peter to “launch into the deep” or “put out into deep water”. Duc In Altum has been called “the most unique spiritual center in the Holy Land.” Pilgrims have already begun to visit Duc In Altum to pray, worship, celebrate Mass, and experience the presence of our risen Lord. Duc In Altum houses the Women’s Atrium, Boat Chapel, Mosaic Chapels, and Encounter Chapel. The purpose of Duc In Altum is to honor Jesus in an aspect not as explicitly portrayed in the Holy Land: Jesus devoted most of his public ministry to preach. Our Lord himself described his apostolic activity in “The Sower” parable, which is the only parable we know with certainty was preached from that original and beautiful pulpit: Peter´s boat.


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